
Meet Calm Space, our innovative electronic medical records (EMR) system designed to streamline the healthcare experience. Calm Space offers a dynamic dual-user platform that allows therapists and QA specialists to manage patient profiles, diagnoses, and notes with unprecedented ease and efficiency.

With enhanced UI transparency and a robust Mongoose-based database, every team member stays informed and empowered, ensuring better healthcare outcomes and seamless documentation workflows.

Idea behind Calm Space

Calm Space was conceived from a pressing need I identified during my tenure as a quality assurance specialist in health tech.

Working with existing electronic medical records (EMR) systems, I observed that their complex interfaces led providers to miss crucial alerts, such as note rejections, resulting in significant delays in patient care.

Motivated to enhance this scenario, I developed Calm Space—a system designed with clarity and simplicity to empower healthcare providers and significantly improve the efficiency of healthcare delivery.

Role in Calm Space

For this project I desgined and coded this full stack application.

Stacks and Tech used

  • MERN Stack
  • React
  • NodeJS
  • Mongoose
  • React-Bootstrap
  • Bcrypt
  • Express
  • Cors
  • Jsonwebtoken
  • Axios
  • React-cookie
  • React-hot-toast

UI Experience

therapist home page
create patient
create note
note review


Major Challenge on this Project

The primary challenge in this project was managing the feedback process for rejected notes and accurately updating the status to reflect whether notes were rejected, pending, or approved. Fortunately, my background in quality assurance provided a solid foundation for addressing these challenges. Additionally, having access to a visual representation of a functioning electronic medical records (EMR) system was invaluable, offering a clear reference point for developing and refining our system.


Utilizing MongoDB and Mongoose for our database presented a significant challenge in defining the appropriate schema and deciding the number of models necessary for efficient data management. After careful consideration, I concluded that creating three distinct models—notes, patients, and users—was the most effective approach to support our application's functionality and data integrity.

Video Demo of Calm Space